How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

There are three methods available to stabilize videos captured by the QooCam EGO. In this article, we will focus on the most straightforward approach: In-Camera Stabilization.

Single Video Stabilization

Once you've accessed the [Album] in the camera, you'll be able to locate the videos that require stabilization and process them individually or in bulk. Let's begin by discussing the process of handling them one by one. Locate the desired video that you wish to stabilize and click on the "..." button located in the lower right corner.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

Click "Rectification & Anti-shake" and then the system will rectify and stabilize this video.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

Stabilize in Batch

After entering the [album], click the button in the upper left corner to enter the [file list].

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

After entering the [file list], click the button in the upper right corner to enter the [multi-selection state].

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

Select the files to be stabilized.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

Tap the [stabilize] button at the bottom.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

Start to enter the [Anti-shake Processing] state.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

After the anti-shake is completed, click the [confirm] button.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization

The camera will produce two new video files that have been stabilized. You will notice the presence of an anti-shake logo displayed in the lower right corner of each file.

How to Stabilize Videos Shot by QooCam EGO—In-Camera Stabilization



Convenient in-camera processing eliminates the need for external software.


Ensure sufficient remaining capacity on the SD card.

Difficult to distinguish which videos have been stabilized when exporting them to the computer. (Although it is possible to compare file names and timestamps, it lacks intuitiveness.)

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