Revolutionizing Remote Meetings: Empowering Collaboration and Customization with Kandao Meeting Ultra

Revolutionizing Remote Meetings: Empowering Collaboration and Customization with Kandao Meeting Ultra

In today's interconnected world, remote meetings have become an integral part of our professional lives. As we strive for more control and enhanced experiences during virtual gatherings, advanced video conferencing solutions are emerging to meet these demands. By addressing common challenges, let's delve into the various views and controls that empower users to create more engaging and productive virtual meetings.


Common Challenges

  • Lack of Flexibility: Many video conferencing devices have fixed layouts and limited customization options, which may not cater to the specific needs of each meeting.
  • Limited Interaction and Engagement: Remote meetings often struggle to replicate the level of interaction and engagement found in face-to-face meetings.
  • Visual Fatigue and Monotony: Long-duration video conferences can lead to visual fatigue and a sense of monotony for participants.
  • Uneven Seating Arrangements: In some meetings, participants may be seated in a non-standard or uneven configuration, making it challenging for remote participants to understand the spatial dynamics.
  • Distractions and Irrelevant Tracking: In-room objects, such as monitors or artworks, can sometimes be mistakenly highlighted by the video conferencing system, leading to unnecessary distractions.

Kandao Meeting Ultra overcomes the common challenges of remote meeting


Kandao Meeting Ultra provides a comprehensive solution 

1. Three Conference Views

    Kandao Meeting Ultra stands out by providing three distinct conference views, each designed to optimize different meeting scenarios:

        Speaker View: With seven frames and a panoramic view on top, the Speaker View highlights the speaking individual in a larger box on the left while displaying other attendees separately in six smaller boxes. This dynamic view ensures the focus remains on the speaker, facilitating engaging and interactive discussions.

        Gallery View: It showcases a maximum of eight speakers equally, ensuring fair representation among participants. This view fosters a sense of inclusivity and collaboration, enabling everyone to have a voice in the meeting.

        Global View: The Global View utilizes two 195-degree lenses to record two 180-degree field-of-vision panoramas. This view showcases all meeting attendees while minimizing distortion, providing a comprehensive perspective of the entire meeting space. It enhances the feeling of being physically present and promotes a more immersive meeting experience.


    2. Flexible View Customization

      Kandao Meeting Ultra takes flexibility to the next level by allowing users to customize the view based on their specific requirements:

          Automatic Layout Adjustment

      When operating in USB mode, Meeting Ultra intelligently adjusts the layout based on the number of participants. Users can select up to eight frames, depending on the number of people present, ensuring an optimal window configuration. This adaptability ensures that every participant receives equal attention and representation during the meeting.

      Kandao Meeting Ultra provides flexible view customization

          Panoramic Windows

      Meeting Ultra offers the option to open panoramic windows in both Gallery and Speaker modes. This feature enables remote participants to view close-up shots of attendees' faces while gaining an understanding of the speaker's seating position in the meeting room. By providing a comprehensive view, Kandao Meeting Ultra bridges the gap between physical and virtual spaces.


      3. Manual View Adjustments

      Kandao Meeting Ultra goes beyond traditional video conferencing devices by offering users the ability to manually adjust and customize the view for each window, providing a heightened level of control and personalization.

          View Lock and Highlighting

      With the view lock feature, users can manually lock the view on a specific speaker or attendee, bringing them into focus on the main split-screen. This functionality allows for a more engaging and immersive experience as participants can visually emphasize and highlight the speaker of interest. By locking the view on a specific window, remote participants can maintain a clear focus on the speaker throughout the meeting.

          Zoom In and Zoom Out

      Meeting Ultra enables users to zoom in or zoom out on a specific window after view lock. This zooming capability allows for a closer look at the speaker, facilitating a more detailed visual understanding of their expressions, gestures, and body language. Zooming out, on the other hand, provides a wider view, allowing participants to grasp the overall dynamics of the meeting space.


      4. Intelligent Ignore Zone

      Kandao Meeting Ultra suppots Intelligent Ignore Zone

      To minimize distractions and optimize meeting productivity, Kandao Meeting Ultra introduces the Ignore Zone feature:

      By utilizing the Ignore Zone settings, Meeting Ultra intelligently blocks tracking of specific areas within the room, such as monitors, speakers, or doorways. This ensures that the device doesn't highlight irrelevant objects or individuals during the meeting, keeping the focus on collaboration and discussion.

      With the ability to select and adjust the size of the Ignore Zone, Meeting Ultra allows in-room participants to engage in active discussions without causing distractions. By mitigating unnecessary highlighting, the meeting can flow smoothly and uninterrupted.

      With these advancements of Kandao Meeting Ultra, remote meetings become more dynamic, inclusive, and enjoyable, bridging the gap between physical and virtual interactions. Embrace these cutting-edge solutions and elevate your remote meetings to new heights of collaboration and productivity.

      Learn more about Kandao Meeting Ultra

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